Husbands & Fathers
Husbands & Fathers
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Derek Prince is one of the Christian church's patriarchs, having served for more than fifty years in a ministry that spans the globe. His probing, no-holds-barred books, including Blessing or Curse, have enriched the lives of millions of believers. Prince has often stated that absent or uninvolved males are the number-one problem in society, and his insight into the topic of husbands and fathers fulfilling their roles has been quoted by many highly regarded leaders.
In Husbands and Fathers, Prince, the father of twelve adopted children, sets forth the biblical foundation for men to function--and excel--in their most vital roles. Men seeking wise counsel on leading their families, as well as women longing for the men in their lives to grow in godly leadership, will find priceless insight and clear instruction in these pages. No matter where men are in their journeys as husbands and fathers, Prince explains exactly what it takes to bless those closest to them.